PIANALE International Academy & Competition

All competitions
29/07/2025 - 13/08/2025
Fulda, Germany

PIANALE Competition provides in its worldwide unique concept young pianists the chance to approximate their future reality as a professional musician.

All qualifying rounds are original concerts, organized in the most beautiful castles and historical places of the Fulda region in Germany.

The participants show not only their skills on their instruments, but their maturity in dealing with different acoustics and various instruments, as well as their stage presence and the presentation of their works in front of a real audience.

PIANALE International Academy & Competition also allows the jury to make a full picture of all the candidates in terms of their talent and their associated professional future.

Candidates who sign up for PIANALE International Academy & Competition automatically take part in the first two rounds of the competition.

The aim of the competition is to support the winners with different concert engagements and additional special prizes as well as to encourage them and thus to allow an introduction to their future concert life.





The participants should be aged from 13 to 30 years old.
The competition has four rounds: two concert rounds, semifinal and final round.


Every year

Next deadline

June 15, 2025


Piano students between 13 and 30 years from Germany and abroad with a repertoire rehearsed to concert standard are accepted.

All participants are expected to prepare a concert repertoire containing at least four important piano works of their choice that might be performed during the concerts of PIANALE.

Application form: https://www.pianale.com/en/pianale-en/application-form



1. Concert Round : 8 – 10 minutes
2. Concert Round : 8 – 10 minutes
3. Semifinal Round : 10 – 15 minutes
4. Final Round : 15 – 20 minutes

During PIANALE there will be held 11 concerts. The concert series is organized like a Competition.

1. Concert Round : 8 – 10 minutes
2. Concert Round : 8 – 10 minutes
3. Semifinal Round : 10 – 15 minutes
4. Final Round : 15 – 20 minutes

During PIANALE there will be held 11 concerts. The concert series is organized like a Competition.

The participants present themselves with works of their choice in front of audiences and jury. No piece can be repeated. It is allowed to perform parts or movements out of a sonata or piano cycle.

In each concert between 7 – 10 candidates will perform. The programmes will be announced on the evening before each concert.

After the first two concert rounds a jury will select the 7 semifinalists. Each semifinalist receives a bursery of 700 Euro. The finalists will receive a bursery of 1200 Euro and several concert engagements.

After 7 public concerts, in which all participants have performed twice, the teachers and one recognized expert vote for seven (7) semi-finalists. The voting includes the concert appearance and also the assessment of the students through the lessons. Two external judges will join the semifinal and final jury.

Jury members

Jury of the 1. and 2. Concert Round:
Uta Weyand (President of Jury)
Akiko Ebo
Caroline Hong
Ronan O’Hora
Dina Yoffe
Elena Levit

Jury of Semifinal and Final:
Uta Weyand (President of Jury)
Akiko Ebi
Dina Yoffe
Joaquín Soriano

The judges will decide the Jury Prize and the Emcy Prize.
The audience decides the audience award.
The special prizes (concert engagements) are assigned on request by the respective organizers.
If those are not present at the final concert, the jury is responsible for the decision.

Jury Regulations
PIANALE Jury consists of 4 professors, 1 recognized expert, whose attention is focused on the participants concert performance(s), and 1-2 recognized experts, who fulfill the same function in the semifinal concert.

The 4 PIANALE professors teach each student twice and listen to 3 public concerts given by the students previous to the semifinal concert. For their voting both master class experience and concert appearance will be considered.

One member of the jury will not teach, but listen to all 7 concerts previous to the semifinal.

The jury will vote in 7 semifinalists with „Yes“, the eight names representing a ranking from 1 to 7.

The professors, who will not be present at the semifinal concert have to rank 1 to 4 (recommended finalists) in a different envelope and one name as their suggestion for the jury award in a third envelope.

The evaluation is to be kept strictly confidential.

The jury secretary opens all envelopes containing the professors’ decisions concerning the semifinalists on the evening before the semifinal concert.

At first, only the „Yes“ votes are added up and put on record. In case the decisions of the majority of the Jury Members coincide, the results are announced without counting the exact number of credits.

In case of discrepancy of assessments, or if more participants receive identical Jury voting results the participant with number 1 will receive 8 credits, number 2: 7 credits, number 3: 6 credits etc.

If there still is a tie, the jury members will have to vote again for or against the participants with the same amount of credits.

For the semifinal concert two new and independent jury members will join the jury.

The evaluation procedure is the same as before.

The jury members write down 4 names with a ranking from 1 to 4 .

At first, only the „Yes“ votes are added up and put on record. In case the decisions of the majority of the Jury Members coincide and the finalists are obvious (not exceeding the intended number of finalists), the finalists will be announced without the exact number of credits being counted.

In case of discrepancy of assessments, or if more participants receive identical Jury voting results the participant with number 1 will receive 4 credits, number 2: 3 credits, number 3: 2 credits and number 4: 1 credit.

If the result is still not obvious and the decision following the regulations cannot be taken, the secretary of jury will be authorized to open the three envelopes of the 3 professors, who taught at PIANALE during the first week and consider their voting.

The decision of the jury regarding the finalists will be announced on the morning after the semifinal.

Semifinalists who have not been admitted to the final concert receive 500.00 Euro each to cover part of their course fees.

The finalists receive 1,000.00 Euro each to cover part of their course fees.

During the final concert the audience are asked to vote in favor of one of the finalists, who will be invited to give a solo recital in Fulda.

The jury will announce the jury award.

6 organizers will choose their favorite candidate for their concert series.

Jury members are not permitted to discuss any performances prior to the evaluation or the voting process.

The assessment of each jury member must be in a written and signed form.

If there are any problematic issues and a consensus cannot be reached by way of majority voting, the vote of the Jury Chairperson is decisive.



The best participants first reach the semi-final concert and receive a scholarship of 500.- Euro. The candidates who qualify for the final will receive 1500.- Euro. 1/4 of the total number of PIANALE JUNIOR participants can be selected for the semi-finals. The decision of the director and the Jury shall be final.

Special awards

  • EMCY Prize for the best candidate under 25 years
  • Audience Award: Piano Concerto with orchestra November 2023 in Fulda
  • Special Award Stadt Fulda: Recital in the concert series 2024/25 in Fulda
  • Special Award “Maria Canals”: participation at 70. Maria Canals Piano Competition guaranteed Barcelona, Spain
  • Special Award Gemeinde Eichenzell: Recital 2024 at the Castle in Eichenzell, Germany
  • Special Award Steingraeber & Söhne: Recital 2024 in Bayreuth, Germany
  • Jury Award


Visit original competition page www.pianale.com

Prize winners

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