
The European Union of Music Competitions for Youth (EMCY) is the European network of national and international music competitions for children and young people.

It was founded in 1970 as a union of national music competitions in order to develop the musical education and promotion of musical talents in the pre-professional area on a European level. Since 1992 international music competitions have also been able to become members.


Why to become a member?

International visibility
  • Online profile about your competition & calendar on EMCY´s Website (about 18 000 clicks a month)

  • Your competition news on EMCY´s Website

  • Your competition information in regularly printed flyers, brochures

  • Press releases, articles and features about your competition and projects in print, radio, TV and online on national and European level

  • Visibility on Facebook, Instagram, in regular Newsletters & on EMCY´s YouTube channel

Information hub & place for exchange
  • Connect with your peers from all over Europe and beyond

  • Annual conferences, General Assemblies and workshops for the whole or sections of the membership

  • Advice and support through regular contact and visits to competitions

  • Information and support, for instance on jury work

  • Cooperation with partners, concert organisers and international organisations

  • Dissemination of relevant information

Advocacy & support
  • International representation and advocacy for the value and importance of youth music competitions

  • Support in accessing EU and cultural funds through regular common applications involving members

  • Influence our network's policy

  • Be represented at EU level

  • Stay up to date with what is going on in your sector

Benefits for your prize winners
  • If your competition is taking place every year or every 2 years, one prize winner will receive an online profile

  • If your competition is taking place every 3 year or every 4 years, two prize winners will receive online profiles

  • Concerts and tours organised directly by EMCY for your prize winners

  • Master classes organised by partners of EMCY who take our recommendations for prize winners or approach us having seen online profiles

How to become a member

- Abide by the EMCY Quality Standards and be willing to implement them
- Be prepared to participate actively in the EMCY network
- Have young musicians under the age of 25
- Be visited by a member of the EMCY Board and the costs of this visit are to be borne by the applicant
- The competition has taken place at least 2 times
- Fill in the form and wait for our feedback

Competition number 1:

Competition number 2:

General information
Previous competitions
Further remarks


You application was submitted!


Rounds open to the publicFinal with orchestraFinal concert with prize winnersevery yearevery two yearsevery three yearsevery four yearsFrom own countryFrom neighbouring countriesEurope-wideWorldwidea participation fee?travel costs?board and lodging?the statethe municipalityprivate donorssponsorsradio/tvother

Quality standards

One of the important missions of EMCY is to apply, maintain and promote quality standards at its member competitions. EMCY is and has to be a quality label, a guarantee for high standards and the implementation of competition best practice, this in accordance with the specific aims and traditions of each individual competition. Young performers, their teachers, music managers and music lovers have to be secure about EMCY Member Competitions and the results achieved there.

Competitions on the road

New competitions or competitions which do not yet fulfil all of the above requirements can still apply for membership. If the EMCY Board feels that they are on the right path, they will be awarded the status of a ‘Competition on the Road to EMCY Membership’, will be listed as such on our website, and will receive special support from EMCY in order to develop and improve. Only full members can, however, display the EMCY logo and receive the full membership and publicity service detailed above.

List with competition on the road:

  1. International Klaipėda David Geringas cello competition (Lithuania)
  2. PanCyprian Avantgarde Competition for Young Pianists (Cyprus)
  3. Concorso Nazionale Musicalmuseo – Caltanissetta (Italy)

EMCY newsletter subscription

EMCY will use the information you provide on this form to update you on the EMCY’s news through our newsletters and to contact you if necessary. We will treat your information with respect. If you have questions you can contact us at any time. By clicking below, you agree that we may process your information in accordance with our privacy policy.

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