The 44th Schweizerischer Jugendmusikwettbewerb CLASSICA – results

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May 23

The last round of the 44th Schweizerischer Jugendmusikwettbewerb for classical music has come to an end. Four days of concerts have brought the 327 finalists to their aspired prizes. The auditions have been taking place, as announced, from the 16th to the 19th Mai 2019, at the Conservatorio della Svizzera Italiana, in Lugano and the final ceremony has occurred at the Lugano Arte e Cultura Center.

Over the 327 Swiss finalists, 310 prizes have been assigned! A very precious edition! Between all of them, 161 have been attributed to the solo category and 149 for chamber music category. In total 57 first prizes cum laude and 120 first prizes, 96 second prizes and 37 third prizes. Nevertheless, also 60 special prizes have been delivered to musicians who have given out particular performances.

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Once again the Schweizerischer Jugendmusikwettbewerb CLASSICA has made possible for young musicians to emerge in an international and high-quality music landscape. Not only them have to be grateful to this competition, but also us, as public, need to thank them for this amazing musical experience that we had the chance to see.

All news
May 23

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