25th Anniversary of Musik der Jugend

All news
May 3

EMCY´s highly estimated Austrian member competition, Prima la musica, has been taking place now for many years. As a matter of fact, the organisation behind it, Musik der Jugend celebrates this year its 25th Anniversary, congratulations!

The celebrations took place at Anton Bruckner University in Linz.

The success of the competitions is overwhelming: in the last 25 years over 100,000 children and young people have taken part in competitions throughout Austria as a first important step in their musical careers.
Esteemed guests congratulated Musik der Jugend for its long-lasting work and its commitment to young’s development. Besides the Upper Austrian Governor Thomas Stelzer and the Rector of the Music Universities, also representatives of the Federal Chancellery, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the cultural departments of the federal states, founding members, cooperation partners and sponsors came to the celebration.

The promotion of youngsters and the development of their career in the musical field gave to these competitions (not only Prima la musica but also the new podium.jazz.pop.rock…) big results and a lot of rewarding proofs. “They gave me incredible motivation over many years, for which I am to “Prima la musica” very grateful,” says Martin Grubinger after his experience at the competition.

As highlighted by Dr. Philipp Blom during the evening, we also think that connections can be established through an instrument and music. These two can enable an alternative to the usual approach to society challenging us to connect better and more deeply with the audience. Music creates communication between people, between populations and between generations.

All news
May 3

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