GMAF – Discover Music Tour

All news
March 2

Next week starts another activity of the cooperation project GIVE MUSIC A FUTURE. Three young EMCY Prize winners will play the Discover Music Tour through Luxemburg, Germany and Spain: Juan Sanjuan Más, prize winner of Concurso Permanente de Jóvenes Intérpretes,  Julius Schepansky awarded at Jugend musiziert and Béatrice Picard, prize winner of Concours Luxembourgeois pour Jeunes Solistes 

Discover music is not a normal concert tour. The young musicians will work with pupils from public schools with high percentage of migrants. After an intensive preparation done by the professional audience developers of the Flying Gorillas, they will give outreach sessions and evening concerts in Luxembourg, Germany and Spain.

The activity will start in Luxemburg with a 5-days workshop at the UGDA Music School. They will be trained in chamber music and introduced to the work with hard to reach groups. The musicians will be taught to develop a repertoire of structured improvisation and short composed pieces, which can be used in outreach workshops with disadvantaged pupils.

Afterwards the tour continues to Germany (Iserlohn and Osnabrück) and Spain (Barcelona).

Photo Credit:Louise Tristram

The tour will build the capacities of the young musicians to approach a difficult-to-reach audience. It will widen their repertoire including contemporary pieces and they will learn to play in venues different then concert halls. The tour gives them the opportunity to internationalise their careers.

The discover music tour is part of the GIVE MUSIC A FUTURE project and is planned also for 2018.

The Tour is organised in cooperation with UGDA Music SchoolJeunesses Musicales Spain and the Flying Gorillas.

Detailed schedule of the tour:


Wednesday – 8 March, 2017

16:00 Outreach session at Fondation Kräizbierg – Domaine Schoumansbongert

Thursday – 9 March, 2017

10:00 Outreach session at Ecole de Bertrange

15:00 Outreach session at Centre d’accueil pour demandeurs de protection internationale

Friday – 10 March, 2017

12:30 Concert at Eglise Protestante

18:30 Concert at ArcA


Sunday – 12 March, 2017

11:00 Concert at Musik Schule, Iserlohn

Monday – 13 March, 2017

10:00 Outreach session at Südschule, Iserlohn

Tuesday – 14 March, 2017

09:55 Outreach session at Gesamtschule Schinkel, Osnabrück

20:00 Concert at Ledenhof, Osnabrück


Thursday – 16 March, 2017

10:00 Outreach session at Gornal Primary School

15:30 Concert at Escola de Música Centre de les Arts

Friday – 17 March, 2017

10:00 Outreach session at Charlie Rivel Primary School

18:30 Concert at Escola de Música Centre de les Arts

GIVE MUSIC A FUTURE is a cooperation project co-funded by the culture programme Creative Europe of the European Union. It counts 8 partners of 7 different countries: United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Turkey, Lithuania, Spain, Luxemburg and Germany. GIVE MUSIC A FUTURE will promote young European musicians with performances in 7 countries, providing them essential skills to engage with different audiences all over Europe. They will leave the concert halls and take the music to places where you and I meet. GIVE MUSIC A FUTURE will turn youth music competitions into an interactive experience of art.

For more information check GIVE MUSIC A FUTURE project.

All news
March 2

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