Iserlohn master class

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Master classes

In the framework of the ‘Internationale Herbsttage für Musik’ the Iserlohn Masterclass is taking place in Germany every year at the beginning of autumn. In collaboration with the music school of Iserlohn, a scholarship to attend the master class is offered to two EMCY prize winners.


From 2nd until 7th of October took place the Iserlohn Masterclass in the framework of the ‘Internationale Herbsttage für Musik’ in Iserlohn, Germany. In collaboration with the music school of Iserlohn, a scholarship to attend the master class was offered to five EMCY prize winners.

This year the prestigious German trumpeter Matthias Höfs gave an international master class in the music school of Iserlohn. At the age of 18, he became the principal trumpeter of the Philharmonic State Orchestra Hamburg. At the same time Höfs became a member of the ensemble GERMAN BRASS, with which he was successful worldwide. Since the first concert of the ensemble in 1985, he has written arrangements for himself and his colleagues that inspire the brass world in an innovative, sustainable and cross-genre way.

The lessons started on 2nd October and ended with the „Concert of the Master Students“ on Friday, 5th October.

The EMCY participants were: Anne-Marie Duhr winner of Luxembourgish Competition for Young Soloists and trumpet quartet Oberengadin (Noa Sendlhofer, Janic Sendlhofer, Gianduri Gabriel and Simon Gabriel) winners of Schweizerischer Jugendmusikwettbewerb (SJMW) CLASSICA.


From 20th to 25th September took place the Iserlohn Master class with the phenomenal violoncellist Wolfgang Emanuel Schmidt, in the framework of the 39th ‘Internationale Herbsttage für Musik’ in Iserlohn, Germany. A scholarship to attend the master class was offered to two prize winners: Benjamin Kruithof and Gonçalo Lélis.

‘The masterclass in Iserlohn was a wonderful experience for me. Mr. W.E. Schmidt is a great teacher.I met a few other students who were very friendly and musicians of a high level. I’m very thankful, that EMCY gave me the chance to participate in this masterclass.’ Benjamin Kruithof


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Master classes

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