GIVE MUSIC A FUTURE came to the end!

All news
January 18

After three years of cooperation between all the international partners, the project GIVE MUSIC A FUTURE has ended. GIVE MUSIC A FUTURE was a cooperation project co-funded by the culture program Creative Europe of the European Union involving many countries such as United Kingdom, Netherlands, Turkey, Lithuania, Spain, Luxembourg and Germany.

GIVE MUSIC A FUTURE was a learning laboratory, where partners worked with highly talented young musicians in order to teach them how to relate and attract the audience. The artists not only learned how to play in different settings and in diverse conditions but also discovered how to approach and captivate different kinds of audiences through specific techniques.

The collaboration with experts and music professionals helped young artists to acquire knowledge and real-life experiences, something that no book or lesson can teach. This gave them the chance to find out about how to involve, into musical spectacles, all the social layers, also the ones that usually are not interested in classical music, unrepresented social groups and people in difficult situations.

This project took many innovative forms in 2018: a musical tour in February (Discover Music Tour), an online music competition in May (Surprising Star), an international tour, contoured by instructive workshops between Austria and Germany (Young Hearts Music Tour) and an International Workshop for Young Artists in Lithuania (Amber sitting-room) in June. In October, other activities concluded this intense year of international cooperation for music: a musical theatre in Turkey (Play), an Interdisciplinary concert with the Münchner Symphoniker in November and finally the closing conference in Luxembourg.

All activities were then shared on partners’ website and made public aiming to allow other artists and youths in the same situation benefit from this projects’ outcomes. As a matter of fact, the most important aim of GIVE MUSIC A FUTURE was to stimulate young artists to create and develop their career in music on their own, enduing them with basic skills and advice from professionals.

GIVE MUSIC A FUTURE was an exceptional occasion to promote young European musicians with their performances all over Europe, providing them with the essential skills to engage and adapt to different audiences. Of course, this programme wanted to strengthen youths’ knowledge and role in classical music, in order to set a scenario for the future where music is an important part of their life. Transferring music to the next generation has guaranteed the survival of musical cultural heritage. Besides, GIVE MUSIC A FUTURE has demonstrated the large value of music in the society, its cohesive role, its power in communication and the will of people and mostly youth to preserve its preciousness also in the future.

You can find an amazing and detailed brochure, realized by EMCY’s valuable staff, by clicking here.

For more information check this page: GIVE MUSIC A FUTURE!

All news
January 18

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