Jurgis Dvarionas

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Jurgis Rimas Dvarionas is Professor of String Department at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, Doctor of Humanities, Chairman of the Balys Dvarionas Charity and Support Foundation, a founder of the B. Dvarionas Competition.

Jurgis Rimas Dvarionas graduated from the Moscow P. Tchaikovsky Conservatoire in 1965 with distinction and completed postgraduate course in 1969. Since then he started working at Lithuanian State Conservatory. In 1981, Dvarionas was honoured a title of Associate Professor. In 1983 Prof Dvarionas became a member of Lithuanian Composers’ Union and the chairman of the Musicologists’ sections. Over the time, he has published more than a hundred of reviews and articles. Following his profound achievements, in 1992, Dvarionas was granted a title of Professor. Throughout the period 1989-1998, Dvarionas was the chairman of the Lithuanian Cultural Foundation.

For three decades (1965-1995), Jurgis Rimas Dvarionas was giving concerts around Europe, USA, ex-Soviet Union. In parallel, he recorded several vinyl/CD records, broadcasted on various radio stations, including Vilnius, Moscow, Warsaw, New York and Madrid. His extensive performances contributed significantly to publicising the works of Lithuanian composers. Amongst other contributions to Lithuanian national music by Dvarionas, are his editing, authorship and adaptations of pieces for violin and piano.

Over more than fifty years of teaching, Professor Jurgis taught many young generations of professional future violinist. Amongst them, more than twenty laureates of national and international competitions. He has given masterclasses at music academies and conservatoires in Paris, Berlin, Copenhagen, Malmö, Warsaw and Moscow. Likewise, Jurgis Dvarionas taught at the international summer seminars Gintarinė svetainė in Lithuania, music universities in Greece, and masterclasses in Poland. He is the initiator and organiser of the International B. Dvarionas (Vilnius), J. Heifetz (Vilnius), A. Glazunov (Paris) competitions for violinists and is regularly invited to take part as an adjudicator on the judging panel of various violin competitions that are taking place in various countries. Professor Dvarionas has also significantly contributed to the development of Lithuanian music culture.



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