Mravinsky International Competition for Youth

All competitions
Date TBA
Saint Petersburg, Russia
Strings | Symphonic strings | Cello | Viola | Violin

** Due to the epidemiological situation in the world “Mravinsky International Competition for Youth is postponed to November 2022 **

The competition was founded in 1996 to acknowledge and pay tribute to the great accomplishments and contribution to Russian musical culture of this outstanding conductor. The competition is organised by the St. Petersburg School of Arts for Children named after E.A. Mravinsky with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, the Committee for Culture of the Government of St. Petersburg, and the Administration of Moskovsky District, St. Petersburg.



Committee for Culture of St. Petersburg
Administration of Moskovsky District of St. Petersburg
St. Petersburg School of Arts for Children named after E. A. Mravinsky
Association of Music Competitions of Russia
European Union of Music Competitions for Youth (EMCY)


The participants should be aged from 11 to 21 and divided in 2 age categories.
Two rounds followed by final, accompanied by orchestra.


Every two years.

Next competition

TBA 2022


Next deadline




Age of the participants — from 11 to 21 years old inclusive.
The participants are split into two age groups:
category «А» – 11-15 years old
category «В»: 16-21 years old.
In the category «viola» – one age group «В»: 16-21 years old.
The age group of a participant is fixed as of November 2022.

In order to take part in the competition one shall send the following documents to the Organising Committee before 15 June, 2022:
a) completed application;
b) copy of certificate of birth of passport;
c) video link with recording of two compositions selected by the participant
(note: these compositions may not be part of the competition programme);
d) photo of participant of the competition for the booklet.
e) The competition fee for the foreign participants can be paid after the arrival.

The list of competition participants of the 1st round will be published on the site of the competition before 15 September, 2022.

Admission fee80 Euro (for representatives of Russia – calculated in roubles at the exchange rate set by the Central Bank of Russia as of the date of dispatch).
The payment of the admission fee will be made upon the participant’s arrival.


1. The competition is held in 2 nominations: «Violin-viola» and «cello».
2. The competition is preceded by selective audition on video recording.
3. The competition is held in three rounds. The first and second rounds — performance of solo programmes, the third round – performance with the orchestra.
4. The sequence of participants’ performance is set by the draw. A contestant takes part in the draw in person. If necessary, the Organising Committee provides a highly- qualified concertmaster to a participant of the competition.
5. The competition is held in the Concert Hall of School of Arts for Children named after E.A. Mravinsky. The hall hosts 430 persons. The award of prizes and the closing concert is held in the Grand Hall of Academic Philharmonic Society named after D. Shostakovich.
6. Not more than 50% participants of the first round are admitted to the second round. Not more than 5 participants for each nomination are admitted to the third round.
7. The contestants’ performance is judged by two juries – for each nomination separately. The jury consists of the famous Russian and the foreign musicians. The jury has the right:  to award not all the prizes and the diplomas; to share one prize between some participants, to award the diplomas for the best performance of some pieces of the competitive program.
8. The participants that win I, II and III prizes are awarded the title of «Laureate». The participants that receive IV and V prizes are awarded the title of «Award-winner». The teachers and concertmasters who have coached the Laureates and Award- winners are awarded with diplomas and appreciation deeds respectively.
The Organising Committee reserves the right to transmit the competition auditions and concerts on television and radio, to recording and distribution of audio- and video materials of the competition without any additional royalty.



Speciality – violin

Category A (11 – 15 years of age)

I round
A fantasy by Telemann or one Baroque sonata
A caprice by Rode, Dont, Kreutzer, Mazas, Fiorillo, Weniavski, Chere
Composition for violin and piano selected by performer

II round
First part of sonatina or sonata by Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Dvorak, Grieg.
Virtuoso piece for violin solo or with piano accompaniment as selected by performer.

III round
A concerto for violin with orchestra (as selected by performer):
Mozart, Mendelssohn, Weniavski №2, Brukh №1, Shpor №2, Viotti №22.

Category B (16 -21 years of age)

I round
Baroque sonata or partita by Bach (as selected by performer):
№1,b-moll, BWV 1002 – one part and double;
№2, d-moll, BWV 1004 – two parts (except chaconne);
№3, E-dur, BWV 1006 – prelude, loure and gavotte.
A caprice by Weniavski (ор.10 or ор.18) or Paganini
A late romanticism composition for violin solo or with piano accompaniment.

II round
First part of sonata by Mozart, Beethoven (except « Kreutzer Sonata»), Schubert
Virtuoso piece for violin solo or with piano accompaniment or a piece composer of XIX-XXI centuries.

III round
1. A concerto for violin with orchestra (as selected by performer):
F. Mendelssohn, P. Tchaikovsky, H. Weniavski №1, N. Paganini №1,
C. Saint-Saëns №3

Speciality – viola (16 -21 years of age)

I round

1. Two parts from suites for cello, solo, J.S. Bach, from violin partitas by J.S. Bach or suites by
M. Reger ор. 131 d (selected by performer),
2. One of etudes by B. Campagnoli ор.22, F. Hoffmeister or J. Palashko ор.44.
3. Concerto (I or II and III parts) J.S. Bach – H. Casadesus c-moll or G.F. Handel – H. Casadesus h- moll (selected by performer),

II round
1. First part of sonata (selected by performer): J.Brahms ор.120, F. Schubert « Arpeggione » or M. Glinka.
2. Composition selected by performer (not over 15 minutes).

III round
Concerto for viola with orchestra (selected by performer): Stamitz, Hoffmeister, Bartok or Walton

Speciality – cello

Category А (11-15 years of age)

I round
1. J.S. Bach. Sarabande and gigue from suites № 1 (BWV 1007, G-dur), № 2 (BWV 1008, d-
moll), № 3 (BWV 1009, С-dur)   (selected by performer).
2. One of the etudes (selected by performer).
D.Popper. Etude F-dur, (№ 5, ор.73), A.Nolck. Etude A-dur (op.32 №7), M. Berteau. Etude G-dur

II round (Duration of performance up to 20 minutes)

1. Two movements of old sonata (selected by performer):
C.Tessarini Sonata F-dur,
H. Eccles. Sonata g-moll,
A. Vivaldi. Sonata e-moll,
A.Caporale. Sonata d-moll,
G.Sammartini. Sonata G – dur
2. Virtuoso piece (selected by performer):
N.Rimsky-Korsakov «Bumble bee’s flight»,
D.Popper «Tarantella» ор.33,
J-B.Senaille «Allegro spiritoso»,
D.Goens «Scherzo»,
D.Goens «Tarantella»
3. Piece or part of sonata of any composer (preferably from the participant’s country), composed after 1950.

III round
1. One of concerts with orchestra (selected by performer):
L.Boccherini (№9, В-dur, G.482) , J.Haydn (C-dur)

Category B (16 -21 years of age)

I round
1. J.S. Bach. Prelude, Sarabande and gigue from suites № 2 (BWV 1008, d-moll), № 3(BWV
1009, С-dur), № 4 (BWV 1010, Es – dur)  (selected by performer)
2. Old sonata (selected by performer):
J-B. Breval Sonata G-dur ] (1 mov. or 2-3 mov. ),
L.Boccherini Sonata A-dur (1 mov. «Adagio and Allegro»),
G.Valentini Sonata E-dur (1-2 mov. or 3 -4-5 mov. ),
F.Francoeur Sonata E-dur (1-2 mov. or 3 -4-5 mov. ),
P.Locatelli Sonata D-dur (1 mov. or 2-3 mov. )

II round
1. One of the etudes (selected by performer).
D. Popper. Etude fis moll.(№29, ор.73)
D. Popper. Etude Es – dur
D. Popper. Etude c-moll,
M.Bukinik Etude f-moll

2. Virtuoso piece selected by performer:
D. Popper. «Spinner» ор.55 ,
D. Popper. «Elfs' dance» ор.39,
K.M.Weber « Adagio and rondo»
Y.Shaporin «Scherzo»,
J.Clengel «Scherzo».
C.Davidov « At the Fountain»
3. Piece or part of sonata of composer (preferably from the participant's country), composed after 1950.

III round
1. One of concerts with orchestra (selected by performer):
E.Elgar (e-moll), E. Lalo (d-moll), C. Saint-Saens №1(a-moll ор.33), P.Tchaikovsky «Rococo
variations» op..33, D.Shostakovich № 1( Es – dur)


Winners of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes are awarded the title of ‘Laureate’ and a diploma. Winners of the 4th and 5th prizes are awarded the title of ‘prize winner’ and a diploma.

The teachers of the laureates and prize-winners are awarded with diplomas of appreciation.

The prize money amounts to 10.000 €.


Visit original competition page www.mravinsky.ru

Prize winners

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