The competition is an important and constant part of music education in North Macedonia. The purpose of the competition is to activate extraordinarily talented pupils and students, to notice the level of progress of music education in North Macedonia, and to enable gifted pupils to become professional artists.
Music and ballet pedagogues of the Republic of North Macedonia
Local, regional and national rounds.
Every year
TBA 2024
Registration is done exclusively online.
Registration fee:
Paid in the name of:
Музички и балетски педагози
жиро сметка 300-00000-10380-33
Комерцијална банка АД Скопје
Котизација за учество на државен натпревар
The competition is open for Macedonian musicians from primary and secondary music schools and music art faculty for solfège, solo singing, woodwind, brass, percussion and accordion. The competition is divided into different age categories (Chamber music: four categories; Choir: three categories; Orchestra: three categories).
The jury for all disciplines has five members. These members are chosen by the presidency of music and ballet pedagogues from outstanding music pedagogues and artists.