EMCY Member Competitions held annually or biennially nominate 1 prize winner per edion.
EMCY Member Competitions held every three or four years nominate 2 prize winners per edition.
Each EMCY Prize Winner receives an EMCY Prize Certificate.
Winners of the EMCY Prize will receive a dedicated, detailed online profile on www.emcy.org for a period covering two editions of the competitions .
EMCY Prize Winners are featured in the EMCY online archive for 20 years.
EMCY Prize Winners are included in the pool for further promotion such as masterclasses, concerts, and performances across Europe.
Profiles of EMCY Prize Winners raise awareness among partners; they often receive external concert offers.
EMCY seeks patrons to support subsequent opportunities for EMCY Prize Winners.
The EMCY Prize and the EMCY Member Competition they won should be mentioned in the musicians' biographies.
EMCY Member Competitions taking place every year or every two years propose every edition 1 prize winner
EMCY Member Competitions taking place every three or four years propose every edition 2 prize winners
The EMCY Prize Winner receives an EMCY Prize Certificate
EMCY Prize Winner receives an online profile for two years on www.emcy.org
The EMCY Prize Winner is in the pool for follow-up promotion as master classes, concerts and performances all over Europe
EMCY Prize Winner profiles create awareness of partners: Often the EMCY Prize Winner are offered external offers for concerts
EMCY will search patrons to support the follow-up opportunities for the EMCY Prize Winners
The EMCY Prize and the EMCY Member Competition, which he/she won, should appear in the musicians´ biography
After every edition the EMCY member competitions can name a maximum of five prize winners who EMCY should promote
The EMCY Prize Winner should be one of these five and should be selected according to his/her outstanding performance
The EMCY Prize Winner receives an EMCY Prize Certificate
All prize winners are offered online profile for two years on www.emcy.org and they are considered for EMCY´s follow-up concerts and master classes
The EMCY Prize Winner has precedence in EMCY´s follow-up concerts and master classes