EMCY won the Music Rights Award 2017 of the International Music Council!

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July 14

For its international cooperation project GIVE MUSIC A FUTURE EMCY was awarded the Music Rights Award by the International Music Council (IMC). The European Forum on Music and IMC General Assembly at Cyprus offered the perfect setting for the 5th edition of the IMC Music Rights Awards. They were presented on June 10th by then IMC President Paul Dujardin and handed over by the star “voice of a new generation” and IMC Five Music Rights Champion Ramy Essam.

Launched in 2009, the IMC Music Rights Awards are given to programs or projects that support in an exemplary way one or more of the Five Music Rights enunciated by the Council:

This year’s Awards were given to the following projects and programmes:

GIVE MUSIC A FUTURE, a cooperation project with 8 partners from 7 countries, co-funded by Creative Europe of the European Union was designed and is managed by EMCY. It develops new strategies for audience development at youth music competitions and boosts the career of young emerging European musicians. More Info

Teaching Music in Pakistan, an inspiring programme, run by the Pakistan Special Education Centers, which provides access to music education for children with special education needs and disabilities, thereby transforming their lives through music. The programme was nominated by ISME – The International Society for Music Education.

Festival sur le Niger, an inspiring initiative managed by the Festival sur le Niger Foundation that contributes to the development of cultural industries in Mali and enhances the national cultural and artistic heritage, using the promotion of culture as a tool for peace and stability. Nomination was made by the National Music Council of Cameroon.

EMCY thanks the International Music Council for this great honour!

From the left: Ramy Essam, Ruth Jakobi (EMC – who received the prize for EMCY), other prize winners, IMC, photo credit: IMC
All news
July 14

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