Netherlands Violin Competition 2022 – Results

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January 31

On Saturday 29 January the final of the Netherlands Violin Competition took place. Held every two years in Utrecht, Netherlands, the competitions aims to develop young violin talents, via four specific age categories, under the age of 26.

The winners of the Oskar Back Prize were announced by jury chair Susanne van Els. Jury members for this price were also: Isabelle van Keulen, Maria Milstein, Daniel Rowland, Ed Spanjaard, Tjeerd Top and the jury secretary Patty Hamel.

The winners of the Oskar Back Prize are:

  • first prize was won by Isobel Warmelink
  • second prize and the audience award was won by Emma Roijackers
  • third prize was won by Iris van Nuland

In the same day, at the end of the finals of the Davina van Wely Prize, the winners were announced by jury chair Elizabeth Perry. The jury also consisted of Maaike Aarts, Cindy Albracht, Sonja van Beek and Bas Treub. Alessandra Sordo-Sànchez was secretary of the jury.

The winners of the Davina van Wely Prize are:

  • first prize and EMCY prize was won by Joshua Tavenier
  • second prizes to Zohra Jongerius and Luca van der Waals

During the competition was also presented the Young  Creative Award 2022. The winners were announced by jury chairman Tim Kliphuis. The jury further consisted of Yassine Boussaid, Frankie Gavin, Annbjørg Lien and Merel Vercammen and was supported by jury secretary Job Jurre Huiskamp.

The first prize was awarded to Valentine Blangé (violin) and Cem Karayalçin (guitar)

The second prize was awarded to: Noah Eamon Hassler-Forest (violin), Wouter Torringa (violin), Joshua Herwig (cello), Reinout de Vey-Mestdagh (cello) and Ischa Kooistra (cello)

The Teddy Sicking Quartet won the third prize: Teddy Sicking (violin), Saba Okujava (piano), Veerle van der Wal (double bass) and David Baak (drums). 

On 23rd of January the winners of the Iordens A Prize and Iordens B Prize were announced. The jury of the Iordens A Prize consists of Hans Scheepers (chairman), Carla Leurs, Quirine Scheffers and Maria-Paula Majoor and was supported by jury secretary Hoei Lien The. The jury of the Iordens B Prize consists of Sylvia van der Grinten (chairman), Dirk Lievens, Kerstin Hoelen and Hebe Mensinga and was supported by jury secretaries Hoei Lien The.

Sanne Lam is the winner of the Iordens A Prize 2022Eline van Dijk won the second prize and Quinten van Brummen the third.

Michelle Kumara is the winner of the Iordens B Prize 2022Pieter Streefkerk won the second prize and Djuna Dokter the third.

Congratulations to all the competitors. For more information, follow the link.

All news
January 31

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