perFORM Masterclass in Neuwied

All news
June 17

After a year of stop and waiting for life to continue again normally, EMCY is pleased to tell you that live concerts are on again, how wonderful!

But now the question is will they be the same as before, or something changed now?

Nine outstanding, young musicians from 6 countries are trying to answer this question. They will meet on the 18th of June in the Landesmusikakademie Rheinland-Pfalz in Neuwied (Germany) and together with the Lithuanian stage professionals of the New Ideas Chamber Orchestra (NICO) they will question the classical performance of serious and contemporary music and work with elements of electronic music, dramaturgy and light art.

Did this description catch you already? made you curious and excited?
If yes, you should join the final concert of the perFORM Masterclass in the Sayner Hütte (Althansweg, 56170 Bendorf) on Saturday, June 26th at 10:00 P.M.


Works by Mikołaj Górecki, Arvo Pärt, Gediminas Gelgotas and Max Richter will be performed, as well as the own compositions of two young musicians, Angel Spiroski and Justina Dvarionaite. The participants are all winners of top-class music competitions part of the EMCY network and are at the beginning of brilliant careers.


Wiktor Dziedzic (Violin / Poland)
Konstancja Śmietańska (Cello / Poland)
Edgar Perestrelo (viola / Portugal)
Alicja Pustuła (violin / Poland)
Julia Starczewska (Cello / Czech Republic)
Stefan Burchardt (Violin / Denmark)
Martynas Grigas (Viola / Lithuania)
Justina Dvarionas (Violin / Lithuania)
Angel Spiroski (Piano, North Macedonia)

The perFORM Masterclass will take place from June 18-27, 2021 at the Landesmusikakademie Rheinland-Pfalz and it is organized by the European Union of Music Competitions for Youth e.V. (EMCY) and supported by Felicitas und Werner Egerland Stiftung.

All news
June 17

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